Payment giant Mastercard announced Thursday that it was hiring 175 new technology developers, including blockchain specialists. The developers will work out of Mastercard’s office in Leopardstown, Ireland, where the firm’s research and development arm, Mastercard Labs, is headquartered. The new hires will work on creating more efficient payment systems, according…
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The second largest transaction in the world, the crypto-exchange OKEx in Hong Kong, announced plans to open an office in Malta. “We are confident in the state support of Malta and therefore decided to make this region the basis for its further growth,” the OKEx official statement said. The company,…
Many central banks for decades can not develop a predictable monetary policy, and this uncertainty is quite expensive for the economy. Lets try to solve that problem with Blockchain. Soon after Ronald Reagan became president of the United States, former Fed chairman Arthur Burns visited the current chairman Paul Volcker.…