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Posts tagged as “#ethereum #cryptocurrency #crypto #bitcoin #forex #motivation #money #cryptoyuan #stocks #stocktrading #stocktrader #millions #billionaire #blockchain #argentina #atm”

Brazil’s Central Bank Plans Blockchain Data Exchange for Regulators

Brazil could soon have a new blockchain platform to ensure the authenticity of information exchanged between the country’s financial authorities. Brazil’s central bank, Banco Central do Brasil (BCB), announced Tuesday that it has built the platform in order to allow secure data sharing between itself and other domestic financial regulators,…

Cryptocurrency market valuation to hit $1 trillion this year

Cryptocurrency market valuation to hit $1 trillion this year. The market cap of cryptocurrency seems to just increase. Even though some of the individual ones are falling but cumulatively, the market cap seems to increase year-on-year. According to the CEO of Kraken, Jesse Powell, in the rest of the months…

4000 Crypto ATMs in Argentina

The company Odyssey Group will install in the territory of Argentina 4000 crypto-ATMs. This became possible after the Central Bank of the country allowed to place ATMs not only in banks. Before, only two local companies worked in the Argentine ATM market: Banelco and Link. The new rules made it…

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